What reference styles are there, and which one should you use? This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.
In this video you will learn how to critically integrate and refer to source in your texts. This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.
In this video we go through how you can connect your Zotero library to an Overleaf project. This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.
In this video we look at how we can find the details needed to write a complete reference for a source. The examples we go through are books/e-books, journal article, conference paper, report from a…
In this video we show how you can use the Zotero plug-in in Word to automatically generate in text-citations and a reference list in your preferred reference style.
In this video we go through different ways of adding references to the reference management program Zotero. The video is an adapted and translated version of Lägga till referenser i Zotero by…
Den här videon är en introduktion till den öppna kursen Söka, värdera, referera. Vi berättar om formen och innehållet för kursen. Filmen riktar sig till…