En hälsning till ITM-skolans medarbetare, KTH. Producerad tillsammans med skolchef Pär Jönsson av ITM-skolans kommunikatörer Ulrika Georgsson, Anna Gullers, Jenni Hollbrink och…
Get inspired and learn how to work with your profile page at KTH. More information about your profile page as a researcher on intra.kth.se/itm/forskningsstod.
Assuring autonomous ships can operate as safely as manned ships: the role of onshore operators. Boundaries Of AUTonomy (BOAUT) – A research project by KTH Royal Institute of Technology,…
Assuring autonomous ships can operate as safely as manned ships: the role of onshore operators. Boundaries Of AUTonomy (BOAUT) – A research project by KTH Royal Institute of Technology,…
NordAI, seminar #3: 'What can government policies tell us about the future implementation of AI technology?’ Visit NordAI.org for more information. When Tuesday 12 January 2020,…
I november 2020 anställde Jeanette Jakobsson sin första trainee till ITM-skolans ekonomistab. Varför?
In this video Didem Gürdür Broo, a former PhD at KTH's Department of Machine Design, shares her tips and tricks on how to succeed on LinkedIn as a researcher. Find more guides and…
Skolchef Pär Jönsson, adminchef Christina Carlsson och Mats Magnusson, Forskarutbildningsansvarig, har samlats för att samtala om året som varit och hälsa alla ITM:s…
Malin Modig, Brand Support at KTH, presents copyrights, GDPR, the mediabank and the Imaginary of KTH. Ulrika Georgsson, Communications Officer at ITM, talks about visual communication and gender…
Part one of Session #2, of the ITM editors network, 2020-05-07. Contains expectations from the group, a recap on accessibility online and questions about accessibility.
We+, an exercise challenge.
Pär Lannerö from Metamatrix gives a presentation about Accessibility online for the ITM web editors, 2020-04-02.
The Head of the ITM School, Pär Jönsson, sends a greeting to all co-workers in difficult Corona times.
Brief guide on how to update your profile page at kth.se.
Möt Kristina Palm, avgående prefekt för Institutionen för hållbar produktsionsutveckling och Magnus Wiktorsson som tillträder den 1 april, 2019.