Astrid Söderbergh Widding är professor i filmvetenskap och rektor för Stockholms universitet. Hon är ordförande i styrelsen för Sveriges Universitets- och…
The presentation describes how a group of colleagues from the Stockholm Trio partner universities and the University of Tokyo conducted an online dialogue on education for sustainable development,…
Background and purposeKTH has had, for more than 10 years, institution-wide objectives and approaches for integrating sustainable development in engineering education. Gender perspectives must be…
Background and purposeEngineering programs face societal demands for transformative change, but how can a program director cope with this in practice? In this work, I will describe the logic involved…
Background and purposeThe fourth industrial revolution, so-called Industry 4.0 (I4.0), is emerging by bringing technological advancements that are radically changing the manufacturing industry. One…
SummaryTeachers at KTH are bound by national law and local regulations to perform course evaluations and course analyses and to make the findings and potential decisions available to the students by…
Syfte och bakgrundFör att effektivt och strategiskt kunna utveckla utbildningen på KTH är det väsentligt att förstå hur lärarnas attityder till pedagogik ser ut…
Background and purposeListening to academic lectures can be a daunting task, as the listener faces various challenges related to processing the speech stream, prioritizing the importance of…
Background and purposeDuring the pandemic, teachers created a lot of recorded material [1,2] to replace on-campus activities. After returning to campus, the new challenge is instead integrating this…
Background and purposeENVISION_2027 (European Network for Virtual lab & Interactive SImulated ONline learning_2027) is a 2-year Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project of 6 European universities,…
Background and purposeHigher education should prepare students for future work life. However, the emphasis on theory sometimes overshadows more practical elements in learning activities [1]. Project…
Background and purposeIn contrast to ‘traditional teaching methods’ (here referring to faculty-led lectures and classes with written exams as the major assessment form), elements of…
Short paperA proposal for a new course design for our electro-undergraduate courses with several different sets of interactive questions, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, constructed in Möbius…
He works in a number of organizations and international projects including EDEN's (European Distance and E-learning Network) NAP Steering Committee and in 2017 was awarded the title EDEN Fellow.…
This is a PechaKucha about the SoTL conference. It is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each (6 minutes and 40 seconds total). Pecha Kucha was…