Search for tag: "digital learning"

SoTL - Scholarship of Teaching & Learning KTH conference - PechaKucha

This is a PechaKucha about the SoTL conference. It is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each (6 minutes and 40 seconds total). Pecha Kucha was…

From  Madeleine Tucker Smith 113 plays

Department of Learning in Engineering Science

A thoughtful approach to lifelong learning is important for the future and Sweden. The department has developed research into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning and…

From  Madeleine Tucker Smith 156 plays

Smart & Simple - CBH

Jonas Thorén builds mini-studios at KTH.

From  Jonas Thorén 27 plays

Smart & Simple - ITM

Turn your office into a "media lab" in 10 minutes! Smart & Simple - Sustainable and Scalable Solutions for Design and Production of Digital Learning Materials. Jonas Thorén,…

From  Jonas Thorén 15 plays

Purchasing at ITM school

Digital Learning Learning in Engineering Sciences (LES) ITM school - Industrial Technology and Management

From  Barry Broussard 44 plays

Smart & Simple

Presentation by Jonas Thorén

From  Jonas Thorén 23 plays