Search for tag: "söka litteratur"

Searching a database

Inputing a search query into a database and limiting the results. This video is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 87 plays

When have you searched enough?

When writing your degree project, it's crucial to engage with the relevant research for your topic. But how can you be certain that your search is comprehensive enough? In this video, we will…

From  Pontus Juth 77 plays

Accessing information

Short video which describes how you access electronic material as a KTH-student or researcher. This video is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 93 plays


En av de första informationssökningarna du behöver göra när du inleder en kurs är antagligen att leta reda på din kurslitteratur. Den här videon ger dig…

From  Pontus Juth 378 plays


Olika sökverktyg har olika syften och det gäller att använda rätt sökverktyg för rätt syften. I den här videon får du veta mer om hur du kan tänka…

From  Pontus Juth 313 plays

Google scholar - en introduktion

From  Maria Unger 14 plays

Google Scholar - an introduction

A quick introduction to Google Scholar.

From  Maria Unger 25 plays

Search in Web of Science using one specific, known article as the starting point

In this tutorial we demonstrate how you can use a known article as a starting point to construct a search, tracking the citations back and forward, and finding relevant search terms. The search is…

From  Maria Unger 19 plays

Search in the Library tool Primo

Introduction to KTH Library search tool Primo.(CC BY 4.0)

From  Magdalena Svanberg 182 plays

Sök i Primo

Introduktion till KTH Bibliotekets söktjänst Primo.

From  Magdalena Svanberg 235 plays