Search for tag: "open science"

Open and accessible data – a recipe for research success?

A popular science lecture and panel discussion about open data. The discussion was held during the Nobel Calling week. Thu 2023-10-05 12.15 - 13.00 Location:…

From  Pontus Juth 47 plays

Introduction to Open Access

In this video we give a short introduction to open access and how it helps democratize research. We also talk about barriers to publishing open access. License: CC-BY

From  Maria Unger 64 plays

Vad är öppen tillgång?

En kort video som introducerar konceptet öppen tillgång riktad till studenter och alumni. Innehåller en kort introduktion till öppen tillgång/open access och lite tips om…

From  Maria Unger 46 plays

What is open access?

This is a short video introducing the concept of open access aimed at student and alumni. A short background of open access, and some tips on where to go when searching for scientific articles if you…

From  Maria Unger 37 plays

Open Access in The Lens

Short video on how to find open access material in The Lens.

From  Maria Unger 8 plays

Open Access in Pubmed

In this video you will learn how to find open access material in Pubmed. Open Access means that it's freely available to anyone (with an internet connection). That way, you can get access to…

From  Maria Unger 20 plays

It matters how we open knowledge – a panel discussion on open access and equity

How can researchers and the world benefit from open access? Join the panel discussion within the Stockholm Trio University Alliance during Open Access Week. This year’s theme is “It…

From  Sara Lind 29 plays

KTH Open Science Film 4 FAIR data vs Open data

Explaining the difference between FAIR data and Open data and what you need to do with your research data

From  Rosa Lönneborg 335 plays

KTH Open Science Film 2 Overview of Open science

Overview of open science with definitions and concepts within the open science movement

From  Rosa Lönneborg 202 plays

KTH Open Science Film 1 Intro to the course

introduction film to the course on open science and data management

From  Rosa Lönneborg 154 plays