Video recorded in studio on front of green screen, and then edited with multiple layers in post production. Speaker: Frida Svelander
A Demonstration Video shows a process, a phenomenon, a function or a concept for example. Excerpt from "Radian Measure" Speaker: Carlos Casanueva
Instructional video, or a video tutorial, is often in a follow-these-steps form. This video is an excerpt from a tutorial on TorTalk from KTH Library. Speaker: Rosa Lönneborg.
A very short video to quickly show and explain a concept. Speaker: Ambjörn Naeves
This was recorded in a studio with a lighting set up that was designed to avoid reflections in the whiteboard surface. Speaker: Fredrik Brunes
Instructions on how to act in a specific scenario, in this case about fire safety. From KTH Security. Watch the whole video about Safety at KTH here
A creative way to explain something by using pen, paper and objects that are mounted on paperboard - the speaker does'nt always have to be in frame. Speaker: Linus Hasselgård
Studio recording of Niclas Hjelm going through a math excercise behind our Learning Glass. The video needs to be edited in post production by the DKU Video Team.
Design Choices in educational Videos was the subject of a Lunch 'n' Learn lecture in April 2020. This video is the English version of that lecture. The content is about the different…
A short introduction to our Teacher Studio, located inside the KTH Library building. You can book it by mail to teacherstudio@kth.se
Jonas Thorén builds mini-studios at KTH.
KTH Innovation Pitch recorded in front of black screen in studio. Speaker: Taraneh Shojaei
A video collage demands a multi layered editing in post production. The speaker is recorded in front of a monochromous screen, and other footage and images are added in several layers. Speaker:…
Recording while writing on tablet
This is an example of what it can look like when a speaker or lecturer is recorded in our big Studio with professional equipment. Text and illustrations has been added in post production. Excerpt…
This is an example of how kinetic infographics can be used to vizualise a concept. This kind of production can be made in a simple way in Powerpoint, for example, or produced by professionals with…