Studenter berättar: Att studera i pandemitider (Lunch 'n’ Learn: Webbinarium 2021-01-20)
From Fredrik Enoksson
From Fredrik Enoksson
Webbinariets presentatör: Teo Elmfeldt, student på masterprogrammet i tillämpad matematik och beräkningsmatematik. Han har även jobbat aktivt med studentinflytande på KTH under de senaste två åren. Teo presenterar både sitt eget perspektiv och hur KTH-studenter i stort uppfattat undervisningen under pandemin.
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En sammanfattning av presentationen finns tillgänglig som ett utökat presentationsmaterial via Google Docs
En sammanfattning av presentationen finns tillgänglig som ett utökat presentationsmaterial via Google Docs
In English
(Please note that this webinar and recordning is in Swedish).
Title: Student stories: "To study in pandemic times".
How have KTH's students experienced distance learning during the pandemic? How has it affected them and their studies? These are some of the questions that is covered during this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar. (Note: the webinar is in Swedish).
The rapid transition to distance education in March 2020 posed a challenge for many teachers.The way in which it has been handled by teachers, we have highlighted in several previous Lunch 'n' Learn webinars. In this webinar, the student perspective is instead in focus. What will be discussed are the advantages and disadvantages of the various teaching solutions for distance studies that have taken place and how the students' study motivation is affected and how life as a student has changed. Some less obvious consequences, which affect many students, will also be addressed.
Presenter: Teo Elmfeldt, student in the Master's Programme, Applied and Computational Mathematics. He has also worked actively with student influence at KTH for the past two years. Teo will present both his own perspective and how KTH students generally perceived the teaching during the pandemic.