This video contains the opening and the plenary sessions of the online Colloquium “Safety, resilience and community: Challenges and
opportunities beyond the city”, organised by Safeplaces network, 29th September 2020, at KTH Royal Insttute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. This forum aimed at providing a full-day online discussion about issues of safety and resilience in sparsely populated
areas. We focused on issues of crime, safety, policing, emergency services, safety perceptions, women abuse, environmental crime, threats and violence in rural sesstings. We also start to discuss how the on-going global-local transformations
affect the everyday life of those groups living in these areas. The event was part of UN-HABITAT Safercities program and of 40 days safer cities challenge. This forum was made possible by the collaboration from our local and international community: researchers, practitioners
and students. The cerimony of prize giving of Safeplaces network prize in memory of Ida Johannson also took place during the Colloquium. The winner of 2020's Safeplaces network prize was Linn
Johansson, from Gävle Högskolan.
Opening: Prof Mats Wilhelmsson (KTH), Prof Vania Ceccato (KTH), William Wikström (BRÅ), Juma Assiago (UN_Habitat SaferCities program)
Plenary: Prof Richard Yarwood (UK), Prof Susanne Stenbacka (Uppsala University), Prof Joseph Donnemeyer (USA).
Full program is found here: http://https//
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