Presentation at the e-Forum Acusticum 2020 of the paper "Sparsity driven separation of railway rolling noise with a microphone array", authored by Elias Zea (KTH), Efren Fernandez-Grande (DTU), and Ines Lopez Arteaga (KTH, TU/e).
Check our journal article for more details (it's open access):
This work is financed by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), grant agreement No. 2016-04366; the H2020 ROLL2RAIL project, grant agreement No. 636032; and the Villum Foundation, grant no. 19179. Acknowledgements to Giacomo Squicciarini and David Thompson (ISVR) for the reference TWINS data, and to Luca Manzari and Leping Feng (KTH) for the data acquisition.