In English
(Please note that this webinar and recordning is in Swedish)
Title: What applies to customized examinations for students with recommended compensatory support when the exam is carried out remotely?
The Corona virus have rendered a situation where we have to rethink and reconsider how to perform examination during the spring term. As the examination forms are adapted you as an examiner also need to consider how to adapt the examination for the students who need compensatory support, eg. longer writing time.
In this webinar will present and explain what you as an examiner should consider in order to adapt the examination remotely for these students. Among other things, we will show and explain what the control documents states and give examples of how this can be handled. The webinar will contain a presentation of about 20 minutes and then a longer question time will follow. Lena Salomonson will present the presentation and question time together with the attorneys who work on this from the University Administration (GVS) at KTH.