Live streamed session from Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2022 - KTH -
Urban & Community Safety Research GroupThe use of geographical information (GI) in crime and
safety research is linked to the technological development of GI-based
techniques. Geographical information systems (GIS) have made geographical
analyses of data possible for a wide number of users, facilitating the
integration of many types of data into a common spatial framework. The value of
geographical analysis is becoming even greater when enhanced with spatial
statistical techniques, artificial intelligence (AI) methods and new types of
data, from remote sensing to crowdsourced data. In this session, we present
examples of the use and the integration of GI in crime and safety research. We
explore the use of GIS, spatial analysis of micro places, remote sensing data
in crime research, the analysis of AI patterns of safety perceptions as well as
the use of web and Twitter data in crime analysis.