Funkastöd: Erfarenheter och klurigheter kring det pedagogiska kompensatoriska stödet (Lunch 'n' Learn: Webbinarium 2021-09-08)
From Fredrik Enoksson
From Fredrik Enoksson
Hantera stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning
Arbetsgång för examinatorer vid beslut för R-och P-stöd
Hantera skriftlig salsexamination för tentander med kompensatoriskt stöd
Funkas rekommendationer kring hantering av stöd vid examination på distans
Presenters: Gunnar Tibert, Kristian Bjerklöv, Martina Calero, Anna Josefsson. The webinar is in Swedish. The discussion part is not recorded.
Implementation of Funka support is both important and tricky Students with a lasting, documented disability need to come to a comparable situation to students without disabilities. KTH is conducting targeted work to promote equal rights and opportunities for students with disabilities. The webinar is for everybody interested in Funka’s work at KTH but targeted to examiners and course coordinators that want a good foundation in meeting students that have the right to pedagogical, compensatory support.
During the webinar, we will talk about good examples, tricky situations and some of the best ways to implement pedagogical, compensatory support in your teaching and examination. Note that the last part of the webinar is not recorded and thus not included in the video.
Related links:
How to manage compensatory support(s) when examining students with disabilities
Quick Reference Guide for Examiners
Recommendations regarding management of support during the remote examination