Search for media from: "Pontus Juth"

Exhibition: From Trees to Technology – Exploring Forest-Based Materials

Trees play a crucial role in a time of urgent need for a green transition. Forest-based materials have the potential not only to replace fossil products but also to drive innovation across most…

From  Pontus Juth 12 plays

Öppen föreläsning: En värld av gröna nanostrukturer avslöjat av synkrotronljus

Tomas Rosén, forskare vid Wallenberg Wood Science Center och institutionen för fiber- och polymervetenskap föreläser om sin forskning. Föreläsningen hölls 11…

From  Pontus Juth 141 plays

New wood based materials

Researchers at KTH talk about the forest and the development, potential and challenges of new wood based materials.Participants: Åsa Jerlhagen, Doctoral Student in Coating Technology Martin…

From  Pontus Juth 31 plays


28 november till 8 december 2023 ställde Petra Wadström, mottagaren av KTH:s stora pris 2022, ut sin innovation Solvatten i KTH Biblioteket. David Wadström berättar om…

From  Pontus Juth 8 plays

Searching a database

Inputing a search query into a database and limiting the results. This video is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 87 plays

Handling the search results

Collecting and sorting through the results of a database search. This video is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 73 plays

Search strategy

How to use search techniques to build a search strategy from search terms. This video is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 80 plays

Is this a good source?

This video outlines key criteria for evaluating whether a source is suitable for a specific purpose. This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 49 plays

When have you searched enough?

When writing your degree project, it's crucial to engage with the relevant research for your topic. But how can you be certain that your search is comprehensive enough? In this video, we will…

From  Pontus Juth 76 plays

Accessing information

Short video which describes how you access electronic material as a KTH-student or researcher. This video is offered under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 93 plays

References styles

What reference styles are there, and which one should you use? This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 88 plays

Critical reference to sources

In this video you will learn how to critically integrate and refer to source in your texts. This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 184 plays

Using Zotero in Overleaf

In this video we go through how you can connect your Zotero library to an Overleaf project. This video is offered under a CC attribution non-commercial share alike license.

From  Pontus Juth 422 plays

TEDxKTH Salon: Designing the Future – AI's Role in Art, Creativity, and Architecture

This TEDx Salon was held Thursday 16 November 2023 at KTH library and Zoom and was produced by KTH library in collaboration with Tekniska, the National Museum of Science and Technology in Sweden.…

From  Pontus Juth 126 plays

Open and accessible data – a recipe for research success?

A popular science lecture and panel discussion about open data. The discussion was held during the Nobel Calling week. Thu 2023-10-05 12.15 - 13.00 Location:…

From  Pontus Juth 47 plays


En av de första informationssökningarna du behöver göra när du inleder en kurs är antagligen att leta reda på din kurslitteratur. Den här videon ger dig…

From  Pontus Juth 377 plays